Favourite video of the day

Frav band for now. I LOVE YOU 2D!! - cheers

Monday, July 16, 2007

1. Wat U miss the most...?
I miss the time when Im still a teenager, carefree and free of troubles and problems..

2. Wat U wish to do in the future?
Settle down peacefully until the day I die...

3. Wat would U like to say abt urself now?
I sux in handling my life. Hope things gets beta.

4. R U on drugs now?
No, of cos! That kind of tthing hv long gone from my my life.

5. Who do U blame to cause ur life become like tis?
Myself? Him the most...

6. Wat do U do before U got married and have kids?
Wasting my life... have to thanks my kids for comin into my life and make me become another person.

7. Do U consider urself as a bad person?
No. If I am, I would have deserted my kids to him.

8. Wats ur baddest habit?

9. Wats do U tink of love?
I used to tink it sux...

10. Wats the toughest thing u ever met?
To unable to say 'sometin' out to everyone...

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