Favourite video of the day

Frav band for now. I LOVE YOU 2D!! - cheers

Thursday, June 26, 2008

New cage for Momo!!

Well, I tried to put them both together again but once they saw wach other, they fight again... So, I got a new cage for one of them instead.

Wonder they will get lonely and bored or not without a companion??
Today after fetching Belle, we went to the Aquarium shop again. This time I bought the bathing sand for them. One is normal and one is with strawberry flavour. The strawberry smell sooooo nice!!

This coming weekend Im going to bath them!!

Till now I sense that they are afraid. Maybe because of the change of a new environment. Cause whenever I try to touch them, they actually keep jerking... and I was scared they will bite me...

I went internet and do some research on hamster.
Its stated that I actually cant just grab them. I muz scroop them up gently or try just touch them and let them get used to me. And can oso hand feed them to let them know its actually safe with me around... and of course alot more...

Maybe few months later it will be better when they really get used.

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