Favourite video of the day

Frav band for now. I LOVE YOU 2D!! - cheers

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Finally, back from my long "holiday" huh... MIA for so long...

Actually didnt mean to stop blogging but just that I just sometime dont have that feeling to blog. I don't know why. I got so much to write, sad or happy... but something are just not mean to let people know.

Im so obsessed with taiwan idols dramas now. Almost everyday will keep watching and watching. The latest one which I completed watching are 蜜蜂幸运草. So funny and interesting. About a group of university friends growing up. Maybe I never got the chance to study until so high so was quite interested in their university life stories.

Now nothing to watch, waiting for Karin to lend me 东方茱丽叶 dramas and so watching anime 网球王子 online now.

Sometime I really think Im not satisfied with my life now.. and yet, there is nothing I can do to improve.. Recently I keep thinking what is my ultimate goal in my life? Few more years and I will be 30 but what did I really achieve in my life up till now? Nothing I guess... Seeing like this makes me feel more depress... Haiz... I also wanted to achieve at least something in my whole life.. but I don't know to start from where and should do what. I don't want to stuck at home to be a 黄脸婆!! :(